Blogging Challenge Week 8: Schooling

1. What time do you normally get up to go to school?
I get up at 5:45am.

2. What do you normally have for breakfast, recess, lunch, tea (dinner, supper)?
I have eggs for breakfast. For recess I have a juice, apple crackers, and a Pop Tarts. For lunch I have a sandwich. For dinner I have veggies, rice, and chicken.

3. How do you get to school?
I get to school by car.

4. How long does it take to get to or from school?
It takes about 1 hour.

5. A typical lunch at school
A sandwich.

6. Subjects you have to do – remember to explain abbreviations like LOTE and ELA
Math, Art, Science, and Music.

7. Specialist subjects or electives, options

8. Technology in your school

9. A typical school day with timetable and breaks

10. What do you do at break times? Games, activities etc
Play basketball.

11. School bell has gone for end of day – what happens now?
I stay in the class after school until I get picked up.

12. Do you have to wear uniform?
Yes I do.

13. How many days per year are you at school? How is this arranged – terms etc?
180 days.

14. What do you enjoy most about school?
I enjoy seeing my friends.

15. If you could improve your school, what would you do?
I would get new basketball hoops.

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